October 2013
Manoir Park

The Veduta programme of the Lyon Bienniale invites Bruit du frigo to interpret the Poïpoïdrome by Robert Filliou and Joachim Pfeufer.
What might a space for Permanent Creation look like in 2013 ?
Based on the spirit that animates Filliou, we propose the Poïpoïgrotte. After all, it is indeed in a cave that art began a few tens of thousands of years ago !
A cave for “Joy, Humour and Participation”
The Poïpoïgrotte is a space for creation and expression, a collective work of art whose visitors are the artists. As in the decorated caves of prehistory, everyone is invited to draw and write on the walls, to play at being the first men, the first artists, letting their imagination run free.
“What traces of your passage would you leave in the Poïpoïgrotte that you would like to be remembered in 20,000 years ? An idea, a place, a work, a memory, a landscape, a poem, a dream, a nightmare, a story, a recipe, a project, a meeting, an object, a success, a failure, a question, a journey, a secret, a date, a game, a classified ad, a joke…?”
In the Poïpoïgrotte, there are no rules or constraints, everyone can act on the walls as they wish, everyone can make a large drawing or, on the contrary, a very small well hidden sketch, write only one word or a real novel… The Poïpoïgrotte is “delivered” naked, the walls are white, and drawing material is available inside.
About Robert Filliou and the Poïpoidromme
In 1963, Robert Filliou (1926-1987, France), together with Joachim Pfeufer, planned the first Permanent Creation Centre, the Poïpoïdrome, as a reflection and critique of artistic institutions and their routine behaviour. The artist wants all creative activities to be expressed there without hierarchy, without constraints and without limits. “The Poïpoïdrome is intended for all audiences. […] There is nothing to “learn” in order to participate in the actions and reflections of the Poïpoidrome. What users know is enough. Being open to knowing what we know, but also to “knowing what it is to know”, such is the spirit of permanent creation” for Robert Filliou.*
*Extracts from the Veduta Guide of the 12th Lyon Biennial.
> all projectsAt the crossroads of art, territories and populations, our approach aims to promote the transition to sustainable, shared and welcoming cities, by proposing alternative ways of imagining and building our living environment and by exploring new forms of public space.

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