2006 - 2007
Utopian urbanism workshop
St-Michel and Queyries neighbourhoods

A principle of civic urban prospective
The aim of the Utopian Urbanism Workshop is to sensibilize and mobilize citizens on the issue of the city and its transformations and to encourage the emergence and realization of urban projects imagined with the inhabitants.
The Atelier d’urbanisme utopique (Utopian Urbanism Workshop) acts as a factory of urban imaginaries, according to a free, autonomous and open to all approach.
From collective walks and workshops, the aim is to imagine projects that could transform or improve situations and places; incredible, poetic, funny, unrealistic and very concrete projects. Because in these daydreams, there may be seeds of good ideas…
In order to better visualize these ideas, we are putting them into images with architects and artists who are ready to play the game with us to build another possible vision of these places in our cities.
These visual productions are then installed on the very sites of the projects. Some projects are “simulated and tested” in situ (temporary installations around public events…).
> all projectsAt the crossroads of art, territories and populations, our approach aims to promote the transition to sustainable, shared and welcoming cities, by proposing alternative ways of imagining and building our living environment and by exploring new forms of public space.

The Portable Public Spaces

Modular shade canopy

On vacation with Jeannie L
An artistic cycling epic between lakes and ocean2> Bordeaux - Lac de Lacanau - Lac d'Hourtin

Blank pages


Hooky classes #4: Le Mont Victoire
Bordeaux grow nature 2> Bordeaux