La Mêlée


Fabrique POLA


La Mêlée is a living and ephemeral artistic laboratory on the city. Each year, La Mêlée invites you to discover and experiment with artistic and urban proposals that create a more flexible, more human and more shared city.

2022 : La Mêlée takes over

From 7 to 16 July 2022, Bruit du frigo and Les Chantiers Tramasset are joining forces to offer you a Mêlée fluviale, an artistic and urban adventure along the water.

Alongside lovers of the Garonne, a fleet with a thousand faces has been created, a fleet that reflects the city we dream of. Hybrid and colourful, audacious and insolent, it will sail on the river and invite you to discover this territory – which is unfolding before our eyes but which we experience so little.

La Mêlée 2022 opens on 7 July at the Fabrique POLA in Bordeaux and closes on 16 July for the RBBAIV (Rencontres des Bateaux en Bois et Autres Instruments à Vent) at the Tramasset shipyards in Le Tourne. She will take you on a boat tour of the river and its surroundings, punctuated by artistic events. During this travelling Mêlée from Lormont to Le Tourne, passing through Bacalan, Bègles and the Fabrique POLA, you will be able to navigate, watch, eat and experience the river in a different way, letting yourself be carried along by unusual situations at the rhythm of the tide.

The Mêlée 2022 is a rocking and boating event! You will discover concerts, performances, and festivities to appropriate the river as a public space in the making and to imagine a more flexible and human city.

The artists on board :

During the year, we invite artists in residence to local areas in the metropolis and the department.  La Mêlée 2022 is made up of three artists’ residencies, immersive creation, with Cmd+O, Elg and La Chimie and Coline Gaulot. They create connivances between these artists, territories and audiences by articulating demands, artistic innovation with collective and participative creations.

Coline Gaulot :

From September to June, Coline Gaulot led a mediation residency with a class of 6th graders as part of the department’s “1 artist, 1 school” programme. Together, they imagined and produced “joyeux appétit”, a banquet and the pieces of its porcelain service. Echoing the artist’s work, Joyeux A or Lobster and oyster, please! the project is part of a narrative dimension mixing collective and personal stories. It all started with a story invented together, an evocation of our relationship with the feast… What would be the meal of their dreams?

The hands, often small, then designed the receptacles for a fragile, collective dinner. Made without a mould, the service defies the laws of gravity, everything remains possible. Knives that will have difficulty cutting, plates of different thicknesses and sizes, glasses that will struggle to stand upright, we leave you to imagine the carafes, forks and trays!

This service will give rise to 4 performances in which Coline Gaulot, in collaboration with local associations, will propose to thirty or so guests to take up a magnificent challenge: sharing a meal. We hope you have a big appetite and unlimited patience.

Cmd+O :

Cartel and Cmd+O have been working throughout the year to imagine L Comptoir, a furniture, a small temporary arrangement that opens up to the neighbourhood and its inhabitants. As an extension of their mobile community café, it will be a place that belongs to everyone, offering multiple uses for this dynamic neighbourhood, rich in community initiatives. Nestled on the banks of the Garonne, right next to the Bacalan Family Gardens, the furniture was built during various participatory workcamps that involved young people from the neighbourhood through the action of UBAPS and Cartel.

On the plain of the banks of the Garonne, bathed in the scent of Bacalan gardens, the rustling of the reeds and under the mystical protection of the Pont d’Aquitaine, stands a newcomer : Le Comptoir en L.

A counter to put under the elbows of the inhabitants, to meet up, to review one’s day or the whole world around a well-deserved refreshment,
A counter to display and express oneself, to show an imaginary world no matter where it comes from or what it is,
A counter to plant the green shoots of aromas or ornaments and watch them grow,

A counter and its platform for those who like to stand up and face the world,
A counter and tables for those who like to sit in front of the frenzy of the world,
A counter and a Cartel behind it to pull out the drawers and throw in all its thirst for hospitality this quarter.

Elg et La Chimie:

Elg et La Chimie are conducting workshops with a group of teenagers made up of unaccompanied minors from the MECS (Maisons d’Enfance à Caractère Social), COS and CAMINA and students from the Rock School Barbey. This mediation residency took place from 2 to 7 July at the Rock School Barbey, during which the young people met and rehearsed with the group to share part of the live show that will open the Mêlée on 7 July 2022 at the Fabrique POLA.

La Mêlée is a Bruit du frigo project supported by a collective governance that grows every year, with on board : Les Chantiers Tramasset, le Kfé des familles, l’Amicale Laïque Bacalan, le centre d’animation Queyries, la halte nautique du point du jour, l’association des pêcheurs de bacalan, l’association Cartel, les marins de Bordeus, le centre d’animation de Queyries, les marins de la Lune, les archives de Bordeaux Métropole, Le collectif Bordonor, le Musée d’Aquiyaine, l’association DIDEE, la mecs Camina de Lormont, le Cos de Villenave d’Ornon, le club de voile de Lormont, le collège Jean Zay de Cenon, L’ubaps, le Collectif Dehors



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At the crossroads of art, territories and populations, our approach aims to promote the transition to sustainable, shared and welcoming cities, by proposing alternative ways of imagining and building our living environment and by exploring new forms of public space.