September 2023

Beyond the boulevards



A poetic lookout point to project yourself “beyond” Bordeaux’s peripheral boulevards.

“Au delà des Boulevards” is a temporary artistic installation consisting of a belvedere overlooking the Boulevard Antoine Gautier and the vast Chartreuse cemetery. The structure creates a dialogue between these two contrasting environments, separated by a long blind wall : on one side a busy, noisy traffic artery, and on the other a calm, peaceful place.
The belvedere, with its 5-metre-high platform, provides an opportunity for reflection and imagination. The experience gives the public a different view of this stretch of the boulevards and a glimpse of the cemetery’s unsuspected landscape, making them aware of the potential role of the boulevards as a space for showcasing the city and its heritage.
The belvedere itself has been designed as an object of interest and intrigue, inviting passers-by to stop and take their time. The scaffolding structure becomes the medium for a graphic narrative imagined by Bon Pour 1 Tour. It is adorned with brightly coloured floral motifs, representing pioneering species such as the clover or the dandelion, whose volatile achenes symbolise the dissemination of ideas.

This first experiment is part of the metropolitan project “Inventing the boulevards of the 21st century”, which aims to transform a major road into a “green, living and dynamic corridor”.
To support this transformation, Bordeaux Métropole has decided to launch an ambitious programme of experiments and transitory developments to test and experiment between now and 2032, and prepare for the complete transformation by 2040.

The installation was opened as part of Heritage Days on 16 and 17 September 2023. For 2 days, the art collective Les Créants were comfortably installed in the belvedere, welcoming visitors with poetry and humour.
The lookout is open to the public during the day until 5 November 2023. Information on the project and interpretation of the landscape will be provided to enable visitors to understand the site independently (explanatory panels, orientation tables). Ecologie Urbaine et Citoyenne will also be organizing events and guided walks as part of the consultation process on the “Inventing the boulevards of the 21st century” project.


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At the crossroads of art, territories and populations, our approach aims to promote the transition to sustainable, shared and welcoming cities, by proposing alternative ways of imagining and building our living environment and by exploring new forms of public space.